by Louisa Morris

Friday 5 February 2016

The Taj Mahal and two little boys

Did you happen to see the episode of the Real Marigold Hotel ? Did you see that view of the Taj Mahal ?


One day I want to see that too, and what I didn't know is that it was built by someone as a tribute to the woman he loved. Quelle amour as the french might say. Mrs Taj must have been some lady ! - we might all aspire to leave a legacy such as that. She must have been one awesome lady, a dab hand at curries and no doubt excellent at making tea - I thought afterwards what kind of tribute would someone leave to me ? I'm more likely to get a bench down end a garden or even more likely a bill ! Since there is no husband in sight, how would my boys remember me ? - a wrinkled old bag covered in paint ? - ( I ought to add here I am a painter ) will they remember the clean folded laundry and the hot dinners, pancakes for Sunday breakfast and the thousands of kisses shared between us in all our years - will they remember the knights armour I made from cardboard boxes and the homemade Harry Potter wands carved from sticks and embellished with leather handles, will they remember the hundreds of stories we read , cuddled up in bed or in front of the fire, or will my tributes to love grow in to wonderful young men who will remember what love is and share their portion of it with the world. I don't drink tea , I don't make a bad curry though, I'm not a patch on Mrs Taj but I don't need a Taj Mahal or even a bench boys,

I have you x